Sunday, May 19, 2013

Close your eyes.....

Real, real tight...... And when you open them, you have become....... A butterfly!

This weekend I went to the Raleigh Arts festival called Artsplosure. I think Raleigh's festivals are fun to visit, but this one especially. Artsplosure gives me an international vibe. All of a sudden you hear different languages among the people around you. Quite the change from the familiar and always welcoming "y'all" version.

When ever do you see someone playing his piano on wheels in the middle of a busy street crossing? I mean not often right?

Or a blushing mermaid being sculped by her artist? I am telling you it is special.

Colorful people and beautiful sights....


Although being a creative artist can be exhausting.

When I just parked the car I saw that there was a circus tent right in front of the Raleigh auditorium. Not a real big circus tent, but still of decent size. Around it were all the familiar RV's and there I saw a man and his dog. They were practising their act. So I stopped, as it was a fun thing to watch. He had the dog jump through a hoop, which he was holding himself. I asked him if I could take a picture. And got an OK from him by him nodding his head. Great! But besides that, he showed his trick a couple of times more. Nice! That's how you please the photographer. The circus had big signs saying that it was all the way from Italy. So I asked him if he was Italian. But told me he was from Germany. So I said in my best rusty German that I was from Holland. He looked up and gave me a big smile..... And then started talking Dutch. Awesome! Didn't see that one coming. Ok, they might not have been the kind of words you want to repeat in front of a big audience but it was so funny. We exchanged some Dutch/German words from there. Still funny! So there you have it, the German guy traveling with an Italian circus through America and speaking Dutch. How more international can it get?

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